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Fellowships, Scholarships, Grants, Awards

Research Fellowship & Scholarships 


September 2019 - August 2021

Malaysian Higher Education Scholarship (SKPD) for a Postdoctoral Fellowship at the Royal College of Art London (RCA), United Kingdom



December 2012 - May 2016

Malaysian Higher Education Scholarship (SLAB/SLAI) for PhD in Environmental Design at University of Canberra, Australia




Excellence Grant UiTM Kedah – Research Management Unit, UiTM Kedah for Phase 2: The Development Design Patterns Inspired by the Mangroves Species of Sungai Merbok – Head Researcher (Excellence Grant).


2017 - 2019

Excellence Grant, UiTM Kedah – Research Management Unit, UiTM Kedah for The Development of Typology Matrixes on Design Patterns Inspired by the Mangroves Species of Sungai Merbok – Head Researcher




September 2019 

iFAME - Silver Award for Bio-inspired Design: Mangroves Patterns in Lighting Design


iFAME - Silver Award for Biophilic Design: The FDLOs Conceptual Model



July 2018

Excellence Performance Award of 2017, UiTM Kedah 

Malaysia Design Council (MRM) Special Award for Tangible Product: Staff Category, LEDLIDI,

Team member

National Undergraduates Design Colloquium (NUDC 2018), UiTM Kedah, Malaysia.


2nd December 2018

Malaysia Timber Industri Board (MTIB) Special Award for Tangible Product: Staff Category, LEDLIDI,

Team member

National Undergraduates Design Colloquium (NUDC 2018), UiTM Kedah, Malaysia.


2nd December 2018.

Best Project for Tangible Product: Staff Category,

LEDLIDI, Team member

National Undergraduates Design Colloquium (NUDC 2018), UiTM Kedah, Malaysia.


2nd December 2018.

Best Poster Design for Tangible Product: Staff Category, LEDLIDI, Team member - National Undergraduates Design Colloquium (NUDC 2018), UiTM Kedah, Malaysia.


2nd December 2018

Best Poster Content for Tangible Product: Staff Category, LEDLIDI,

Team member

National Undergraduates Design Colloquium (NUDC 2018), UiTM Kedah, Malaysia.


2nd December 2018

Silver Award for Teaching Aid for Dyslexia Children: A Multisensory Approach

Team Member

International Teaching Aid Competition (ITAC 2018), Rainbow Paradise Beach Resort, Penang, Malaysia.


3rd May 2018

Diamond (Special Award: Design Category) for Smart Board: Teaching Aid for Dyslexia Children 

Team Member

National Student Affairs Innovation, Invention & Design (NSAIID 2018), Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kedah, Malaysia.


28 March 2018

Gold Award: Design Category for Smart Board: Teaching Aid for Dyslexia Children – National Student Affairs Innovation, Invention & Design (NSAIID 2018), Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kedah, Malaysia.


28 March 2018

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