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Research & Publication



Latest projects updates:

April onwards 



Gather. Town 

Data analysis/ Paper writing 


Microcellular of Microorganisms: To see the unseen

Abstract. Paper writing


Cultural Hybridity

From culture to contemporary product: A study on Songket motifs familiarity, preferences and the potential application into everyday design

Paper writing.


The latest revised/ developed version of the conceptual model on The Purpose of Biological Materials in Everyday Designs.

Conceptual Model Design. Paper writing. 


The ownership of nature-inspired product designs during COVID-19

The purpose, ownership and usage of product designs and product embedded with living organisms in the global COVID-19 pandemic

Questionnaire Survey. Data Analysis


Biological materials: The understanding of emotional responses and the incorporation in existing designs 

Reviewing and editing. 


Understanding the perception of biological materials in the application of everyday designs

Reviewing and editing. 



Bio-related Design Genres: A Survey on Familiarity and Potential Applications

Interactivity and Game Creation.

379-393, 2021

Paper Published. 





Microcellular of Microorganisms: To see the unseen













Poster, Lightning Talk, and Art & Biology

Visualizing Biological Data (VIZBI) 2021

EMBL, Heidelberg, 26 March, 2021


Biological materials: The understanding of emotional responses and the incorporation in existing designs 

A new paper, writing completed.


Understanding the perception of biological materials in the application of everyday designs

A new paper, writing completed.


The ownership of nature-inspired product designs during COVID-19

The purpose, ownership and usage of product designs and product embedded with living organisms in the global COVID-19 pandemic

Questionnaire Survey.


Cultural Hybridity

From culture to contemporary product: A study on Songket motifs familiarity, preferences and the potential application into everyday design

Data analyses and paper writing.
























March 2021

Emotional responses, perception and preferences towards Furniture Designs based on Living Organisms (FDLOs)

Paper Published.




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December 2020

Identifying the Purposes of Biological Materials in Everyday Designs


Environment-Behaviour Proceedings Journal





March/ April 2020

Bio-Inspired Design by Mangrove Species 

ISSN 2518-968-9 04

Green Building, Taiwan 

January 2020

Biophilic design: Furniture design with living organisms

(PhD thesis excerpt)

ISSN  2518-968-9 12

Green Building, Taiwan 


2019/ 2020: A study of emotions and perceptions of biological materials embedded into product designs.

Submitted for ICDC 2020.

2019/ 2020: From Culture to Contemporary Product: A Study on Songket Motives Preferences and the Incorporation into Product Design.

Head Researcher (ongoing research). 

In progress - Data collection & analysis

2019/ 2020: A Study of Emotional Responses towards Furniture Designs That Incorporate Living Organisms (FDLOs).

Submitted to Design 2020 (waiting for approval)


2019: The Development of Typologies, Design Patterns and Scaled Models Bio-Inspired by Mangrove Species.

Published in IJAST, Vol 28, No 13 (2019), pp 451 - 464

ISSN: 2005-4238 IJAST

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Nurturing Biophilic Design and Nature Inspired in Furniture Design Project. 

Published in IJAST, Vol 28, No 13 (2019), pp 483 - 497

ISSN: 2005-4238 IJAST


2019: Phase 2: The Development of Design Patterns Inspired by the Mangroves Species of Sungai Merbok – Head Researcher (Excellence Grant)



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2018: From Culture to Contemporary Product: Batik Design in Porcelain Wares. 

Malaysian Journal of Sustainable Environment (MySE). Vol.5 No.2. 

eISSN - 0128 - 326X

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2018: A Market Study on the Effectiveness of DIDE Programme towards Students’ Early Academic and Career Development.

Conference Paper.

Technology, Science, Social Science & Humanities International Conference (TeSSHI 2018), Rainbow Paradise Beach Resort, Penang, Malaysia. 2nd May 2018

2018: Phase 1: The Development of Typology Matrixes on Design Patterns Inspired by the Mangroves Species of Sungai Merbok

Head Researcher (Excellence Grant)

Completed. Paper submitted and presented in ACAH 2019. 



Biophilic Design? A Study of Emotions, Influences, and Perceptions of Furniture Design Incorporating Living Organisms. (2016). PhD Thesis: University of Canberra, Australia


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A Study of Furniture Design Incorporating Living Organisms with Particular Reference to Biophilic and Emotional Design Criteria.

Academic Journal of Science.

ISSN: 21656282:04(01):75–106 (2015)

Sustainable Design: Exploration of Recycled Materials Physical Forms in Furniture Studies (2012). Voice of Academia: Academic Series of Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kedah, Malaysia. ISSN: 1985-5079


Conference Presentation



Microcellular of Microorganisms: To see the unseen

Poster, Lightning Talk, and Art & Biology

Visualizing Biological Data (VIZBI) 2021



EAI ArtsIT 2020 - 9th EAI International Conference: ArtsIT, Interactivity & Game Creation

December 10-11, 2020


AIVCE-BS-2, 2020 -  AMERABRA International Virtual Conference on Environment-Behaviour Studies, 2nd Series

ShahAlam, Malaysia,

02-03 Dec 2020


ICDC 2020 - The Sixth International Conference on Design Creativity. University of Oulu, Finland.

August 2020



iFAME 2019

Universiti Teknologi MARA Kedah, Malaysia


The Asian Conference on Arts & Humanities (ACAH2019),

Virtual presentation, 

Toshi Center Hotel, Tokyo, Japan.

March 29th to March 31st, 2019



Technology, Science, Social Science & Humanities International Conference (TeSSHI & ICHAC 2018), Rainbow Paradise Beach Resort, Penang, Malaysia

May 2018


ICDC 2018 - The Fifth International Conference on Design Creativity. University of Bath, United Kingdom.

January 2018



National Creativity Conference, Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM), Penang




IASDR—International Association of Societies of Design Research Conference 

PhD Colloquium, Brisbane, Australia.

2 – 5 November 2015



IJAS—International Journal of Arts and Science, Freiburg, Germany

November 2014



ACUADS—The Australian Council of University Art and Design Schools, UNSW, Sydney, Australia.

25 – 27 September 2013

















Seni dan Budaya : Menelusuri Sejarah Kuala Muda. (2019) Perpustakaan Sultan Badlishah. Malaysia.

eISBN: 978-967-0314-69-3


Professional Design Practice: Poster Presentation Techniques. (2018). Perpustakaan Sultan Badlishah. Malaysia. ISBN: 978-967-0314-46-4

















Batik Merbok: Menelusuri Tradisi, Seindah Seni, Semurni Budaya dan Warisan Sepanjang Zaman. (2008). Malaysia.

MPH Publishing ISBN: 978-983-3698- 98-1

(In the Malay Language)

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